The Pros and Cons of Transitioning to EVs

Electric vehicles are all the rage these days, and rightly so. It is no secret that our planet is nearing its final innings, and we need a way to restore it for ourselves, our future generations, and Mother Earth herself. We can attribute this damage to the uncontrolled use of fossil fuels worldwide for decades. A petrol vehicle is an undisputedly convenient way to travel, although it has been the undoing of man and our environment. However, we are not yet at a stage where we can completely omit our dependence on these vehicles. Today we would like to shed some perspective on some of the pros and cons of transitioning to EVs.

Tech Predicament

While many people are looking to transition to EVs, there is something about new technology that makes us reluctant especially in a driving capacity where safety comes into play. ICE vehicles are centuries old. They are tried, tested, and trusted by people. While the trust factor is now on the rise for EVs, it might still be few years before people can rely on them 100%. But hey! It’s a start!

Cost Predicament

ICE vehicles are affordable to all strata of society whereas EVs might still be a rich man’s game. However, if we look at the high petrol prices, it is safe to assume that both petrol vehicles and EVs might be on par if one takes a whole-life approach. Today, there are more affordable options even in the electric vehicle realm like electric scooters, electric bikes, e-bikes. etc. So, it’s just a matter of preference. Operational costs for an EV are roughly Rs 1.5 - 2 per km, while the same for a petrol vehicle is about Rs 9-10 per km.

Infrastructure Predicament

ICE vehicles are affordable to all strata of society whereas EVs might still be a rich man’s game. However, if we look at the high petrol prices, it is safe to assume that both petrol vehicles and EVs might be on par if one takes a whole-life approach. Today, there are more affordable options even in the electric vehicle realm like electric scooters, electric bikes, e-bikes. etc. So, it’s just a matter of preference. Operational costs for an EV are roughly Rs 1.5 - 2 per km, while the same for a petrol vehicle is about Rs 9-10 per km.

Environmental Predicament

A crucial aspect of the ICE vehicles VS EV debate is health of our environment, where, of course, the EV emerges as the clear victor. However, there is a separate debate about the manufacturing of electric vehicles and how polluting the entire process is. But EV manufacturers are now focussing all their attention on making the entire process a net-zero one and are coming out successful on the other side.

There are other aspects of petrol vehicles and EVs that also come into play when a person is making a final decision about which to choose. EVs for example are much easier to drive/ride than an ICE vehicle which might be more taxing on the body. Apart from this, regular wear-and-tear is much less in EVs in comparison, and the performance, is many times better. But that’s just our opinion. Be sure to research your vehicle and keep aspects such as your safety and the safety of the environment in mind before making the call!


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